Million Dream

2008年8月28日 星期四



2008年8月17日 星期日



2008年8月11日 星期一

2 Yellow lines

Do you believe it? It will go follow two yellow lines?



2008年8月10日 星期日

Birthday metal

I bough it in Japan several years ago when I honey moon. Last month, Amy gave it to me, said she found this one. That is my birthday metal

2008年8月8日 星期五

Website Suggestion Book for TOEIC

1.How to Prepare for the TOEIC Test (with CD-ROM)--這本很厚但很不錯

2.Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Advanced Course, Third Edition---這個聽力和書是分開賣的


4,TOEIC多益文法本領書 -貝塔出版社

5.600 Essential Words For the TOEIC Test by Longheed, Lin ----笛籐出版社

2008年8月7日 星期四





If you want to add another verb into your sentence, you have at least the following 3 ways to do it:

a) Use 'and', 'but' or 'so' to connect the two verbs. Example: Thank you for your support AND I hope to see you soon.

b) Use clauses (子句). Example: Thanks for your email WHICH tells us the great news.

c) Change one of the verb forms into the participle (分詞). Example: Thank you for you email TELLING me the great news.

These are the common ways to deal with another verb in our writing sentences. Let me know if any of them is unfamiliar to you and I'll send you some practice, ok?

But bear in mind we tend limit the use of b) and c) in biz writingas often as they tend to make our sentences hard to read, and sometimes hard to write. Keep your sentences short and simple is the best email writing policy to me. (There is a verb-related error in this paragraph. Can you find and fix it?)



2008年8月5日 星期二




2008年8月4日 星期一



2008年8月3日 星期日


是昆蟲綱中第二大的目,包括各種蝴蝶和蛾類。鱗翅目昆蟲是完全變態生物,分卵、幼蟲、蛹、成蟲四个阶段。成蟲有兩對翅膀,上面覆滿鱗粉,口器則呈吸管狀。鱗翅目有約40個以上的總科、約120個以上的科及超過18萬種的種類,是僅次於鞘翅目的第二大目,絕大部份屬於蛾類,蝶類只占約十分之一。蝶和蛾有很多的不同之处。蝶類的觸角呈棒狀,蛾類觸角變化較多。图为鱗翅目灯蛾科的一种蛾,学名为Hypercompe scribonia。




A beautiful courgette carbonara

I just to view Jamie Oliver's website, and see this recipe which I like very much. So I copied it to my blog to record and also share to all of you. Hope you like it also.

• sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 6 medium green and yellow courgettes
• 500g penne
• 4 large free-range or organic egg yolks
• 100ml double cream
• 2 good handfuls of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
• olive oil
• 12 thick slices of pancetta or smoked streaky bacon, cut into chunky lardoons
• a small bunch of fresh thyme, leaves picked and chopped, flowers reserved (if you can get hold of flowering thyme)
• optional: a few courgette flowers

beautiful courgette carbonara
Carbonara is a classic pasta sauce made with cream, bacon and Parmesan and is absolutely delicious. Try to buy the best ingredients you can, as that’s what really helps to make this dish amazing. I’m using a flowering variegated variety of thyme but normal thyme is fine to use. When it comes to the type of pasta, you can serve carbonara with spaghetti or linguine, but I’ve been told by Italian mammas (who I don’t argue with!) that penne is the original, so that’s what I’m using in this recipe. Before you start cooking, it’s important to get yourself a very large pan, or use a high-sided roasting tray so you can give the pasta a good toss.

Put a large pan of salted water on to boil. Halve and then quarter any larger courgettes lengthways. Cut out and discard any fluffy middle bits, and slice the courgettes at an angle into pieces roughly the same size and shape as the penne. Smaller courgettes can simply be sliced finely. Your water will now be boiling, so add the penne to the pan and cook according to the packet instructions.

To make your creamy carbonara sauce, put the egg yolks into a bowl, add the cream and half the Parmesan, and mix together with a fork. Season lightly and put to one side.

Heat a very large frying pan (a 35cm one is a good start – every house should have one!), add a good splash of olive oil and fry the pancetta or bacon until dark brown and crisp. Add the courgette slices and 2 big pinches of black pepper, not just to season but to give it a bit of a kick. Sprinkle in the thyme leaves, give everything a stir, so the courgettes become coated with all the lovely bacon-flavoured oil, and fry until they start to turn lightly golden and have softened slightly.

It’s very important to get this next bit right or your carbonara could end up ruined. You need to work quickly. When the pasta is cooked, drain it, reserving a little of the cooking water. Immediately, toss the pasta in the pan with the courgettes, bacon and lovely flavours, then remove from the heat and add a ladleful of the reserved cooking water and your creamy sauce. Stir together quickly. (No more cooking now, otherwise you’ll scramble the eggs.)

Get everyone around the table, ready to eat straight away. While you’re tossing the pasta and sauce, sprinkle in the rest of the Parmesan and a little more of the cooking water if needed, to give you a silky and shiny sauce. Taste quickly for seasoning. If you’ve managed to get any courgette flowers, tear them over the top, then serve and eat immediately, as the sauce can become thick and stodgy if left too long.


Busy days

Recently, I'm working with custom's new product. It is terrible for me due to I need to focus on both NPI and Sustaining. My engineer can't make NPI well so that customer asked me should be involved. Then I need to waste all my vocation and personal time on it.
I'm interesting on cooking now, so I like to go home early and cook by myself. It's funny and I enjoy in it. These several days I need to skip it because I have no time on it. I hate it.

2008年8月2日 星期六



2008年8月1日 星期五

