Million Dream

2008年8月7日 星期四


If you want to add another verb into your sentence, you have at least the following 3 ways to do it:

a) Use 'and', 'but' or 'so' to connect the two verbs. Example: Thank you for your support AND I hope to see you soon.

b) Use clauses (子句). Example: Thanks for your email WHICH tells us the great news.

c) Change one of the verb forms into the participle (分詞). Example: Thank you for you email TELLING me the great news.

These are the common ways to deal with another verb in our writing sentences. Let me know if any of them is unfamiliar to you and I'll send you some practice, ok?

But bear in mind we tend limit the use of b) and c) in biz writingas often as they tend to make our sentences hard to read, and sometimes hard to write. Keep your sentences short and simple is the best email writing policy to me. (There is a verb-related error in this paragraph. Can you find and fix it?)

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